Wednesday, March 10, 2010


okay i've decided on an experiment:

'Do different brands of bread take different periods of time to become mouldy?'

I will be using the brands WonderWhite, Sunbeam and Sunblest, all white bread. The percentafes of yeast used and preservatives present of each brand will be noted.

Independent variable: the time taken for different brands of bread to mould.
Dependent variable: the amount/type of mould produced.
Controlled variables: the conditions in which the bread moulds in; same brands and types of bread are used each time.

Aim: to investigate the rate at which different brands of bread become mouldy.
Hypothesis: the brand of bread with less water and less preservatives will mould faster.
1. Take a slice of each type of bread and seal them up in separate bags.
2. Place them in the same conditions for them to become mouldy.
3. Check the rate of mould production everyday using a microscope and record results.
4. After 2-3 weeks, take out the slices of bread and compare the production of mould.


  1. Just make sure that you don't grow the mould at too high of a temperature. You tend to grow dangerous mould at temperatures of more than 29ish... try looking at some safety aspects of the experiment.

    Just watch your variables. They're not correct.

  2. Wow! You need to buy a lot of loaves (bread)... The person @ woolies probably lookin @ u and saying u feeding an army or what?
